Innovation networking breakfast sunamp information apps blackbx image.png

Innovation Networking Breakfast – Sunamp, Information Apps & BLACKBX

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Date(s) - 22/06/2017
8:30 am - 10:30 am

The Sheraton Hotel

Networking breakfast for delegates working in and with innovative organisations and projects. Sectors mostly represented are Renewable Energy, Technology, Life Sciences and Biotech as well as other product orientated inventions.

Delegate introductions will be followed by our VIP speaker presentations, concluding with a facilitated Q&A. Informal networking takes place initially over a fabulous hot and cold buffet in a private room at The Sheraton Grand Hotel & Spa in Edinburgh. Come with an appetite for learning and breakfast!

BOOK online or CALL 0131 526 3104

This month we are welcoming: Joan Pisanek, Business Development Manager, Sunamp ; Julie Grieve, Founder, Information Apps and Patrick Clover, Founder, BLACKBX

Sunamp was founded to respond to the need for low to zero-carbon heating, cooling and hot water systems in both domestic and commercial Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) applications.

Sunamp has invented a patented high power heat battery using phase change materials.

They are now delivering systems using Heat Batteries to trial customers and major OEMs for evaluation.

Prior to founding Information Apps, Julie ran a luxury serviced appartment business in Edinburgh called Lateral City. When setting them up, she created a guest information book, which took a significant amount of time and money and yet as soon as it was printed and in the apartments, she realised it was already out of date as a local restaurant had closed down.

The app allows property owners and operatiors in the short term accommodation market to publish their own white labelled app. Once published, you can update and add information whenever you like, with these changes publishing instantly.

Information apps is an innovative way to help guests have the information they might need at their fingertips.

BLACKBX enables users to install and run guest wi-fi for minimal cost and effort, while gathering raw data to help generate revenue, track new and repeat customers, identify peak visiting times, and create customer mailing lists.

BLACKBX was founded in Edinburgh in 2015 by 25 year old tech entrepreneur and self-taught programmer, Patrick Clover, who cut his teeth in telecoms while working for an Edinburgh start-up specialising in wi-fi networks.

Thrive Networking is a unique business to business networking organisation who through structured and facilitated relaxed meetings ensure that our members and guests capitalise their experience and gain valuable introductions and grow their business networks.

Book today to join our sector specific membership clubs and increase your ROI.   

Book online or call 0131 526 3104

**When placing your order, please make sure to put in the details of the person who will be attending the event.

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