Date(s) - 22/10/2013
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Playfair Library
Thrive’s eagerly anticipated annual Network Conference is back this October in the Playfair Library Edinburgh.
Thrive’s conference promises to deliver a ROI from networking. Starting with Magic Minutes and table introductions we are excited to announce Julie Alexander, Director for Urban Development at Siemens, andDouglas Anderson, Founder & Vice President of Optos plc as our VIP speakers. After a business challenge, round table discussions and feedback, two table moves and informal networking the afternoon will conclude with a seated lunch.
Please see Thrive’s website for more information about the Network Conference.
Table Sponsor Positions Available. To enquire please call 0131 526 3108
SiemensSiemens are one of the world’s leading suppliers of a wide range of products, solutions and services in the field of energy technology.
They enable customers to generate, transmit and distribute electrical power at the highest levels of efficiency. They also help them produce, convert and transport the primary fuels oil and gas. Siemens Energy has about 86,000 employees worldwide. In fiscal 2012, the Sector generated total revenue of £27.5 billion and profit of £2.2 billion.
Optos plc: Optos was founded and incorporated in 1992 by Douglas Anderson after his then five-year-old son went blind in one eye when a retinal detachment was detected too late. Although his son was having regular eye exams, routine exams were uncomfortable, especially for a child, which made it impossible for the doctor to conduct a complete exam and view the entire retina. Douglas set out to commercialize a patient-friendly retinal image product that encompassed a digital widefield image of the retina in a single capture.
Today Optos plc has the vision to be The retina company and be recognised as a leading provider of devices and solutions to eyecare professionals for improved patient care.